12 February 2021
COVID-19 Update for Victoria
The Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, has just announced that Victoria will go into Stage 4 Lockdown from 11:59pm on 12 February 2021 to 11.59PM on Wednesday 17 February 2021 and we are all well versed in what this means to ensure the care and wellbeing of our customers, trades and staff.
The services we provide to the insurance industry fall under the construction sector for ‘critical repairs to residential premises required for emergency and safety’, meaning that under Stage 4 restrictions we are continuing to support our clients and ensure their customers’ homes are safe and secure by providing 24-hour emergency make safe assistance only over the course of this snap lockdown. However, all non-essential work will be postponed to Thursday 18 February, unless further restrictions are announced next week.
At this stage the ‘Permitted Worker Permits’ are NOT required, however, if this changes we will ensure all our contractors are provided with the appropriate documentation.
A representative from AJ Grant Victoria will be in contact with you over the next 24-hours to discuss the next steps and we will continue to stay abreast of the current situation and update the Tools Down page.
We would like to acknowledge our Victorian contractors – this is no doubt difficult news to hear and digest on a Friday afternoon and we hope this short ‘Circuit Breaker Lockdown’ is all that is needed to get on top of the current situation. Please be kind and take care of everyone around you.
Please also note – if you or any of your workers are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or been in contact with anyone who has or is displaying symptoms, you must let us know by selecting this link and completing the form. This information will be sent to our WHS department and recorded on the database so we an effectively manage and reduce exposure within the community. You will not be permitted to work on any AJ Grant work site for a minimum of 14 days and/or until medically cleared.
08 January 2021
To our customers,
Whilst we continually adapt to the challenges of COVID-19, we acknowledge that our customers may have questions or even concerns about their repairs.
We want to assure you that AJ Grant continues to stay abreast of the changes implemented by the State/Territory Governments’ as well as any announcements and guidelines released within our industry such as the Insurance Council of Australia and Housing Industry Association.
We review these daily and update accordingly to ensure the care and wellbeing of our customers, staff and trades remains the focus of our business.
We have always prioritised the safety of our clients and their customers, and in these uncertain times, this is no different. That’s why we are practicing and enforcing best practices for social distancing, good hygiene practices and self-isolation in the midst of COVID-19.
As you know, safety recommendations, including those for our clients and their customers and staff can, and will likely change in accordance with our State & Territory recommendations, but you can count on AJ Grant to keep up-to-date with the latest recommendations, through sharing information with you on our website.
We are carefully monitoring the situation and, at this moment, cannot provide an estimated time for some repair work, but we will continue to support our clients and ensure their customers homes are safe, secure and repaired.. The most important thing is to make sure we are working in a safe environment.
Until then, connect with us virtually online via our website and social media channels. This is where you’ll find any updates on how we are managing the safety of you and our staff.
If you have specific questions not addressed on our website, contact our Customer Service Team on 1300 254 726. We’re available to answer your questions and respond to any concerns.
Department of Health updates: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
SafeWork updates: https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/hazards-a-z/diseases/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-and-guidance-for-nsw-workplaces
NSW Health Updates: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/
Australian Government Health Alert: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
ACT Health: https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/
QLD Updates: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/greater-brisbane-lockdown
SA Updates: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations/cross-border-travel
Victoria Updates: https://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-victoria
04/08/20 Customer Update
Whilst we all adapt to the on-going challenges of COVID-19 and the new restrictions announced by the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, we would like to acknowledge our Victorian customers – this is no doubt very difficult with many uncertain times ahead of you all, please be kind and take care of each other.
The services we provide to the insurance industry fall under the construction sector for ‘critical repairs to residential premises required for emergency and safety’, meaning that we are continuing to support our clients and ensure their customers’ homes are safe, secure and repaired. Further information in relation to stage 4 restrictions and the guide for businesses can be viewed on – Stage 4 Business Restrictions
As a business we continue to educate our staff and trades and have measures in place to ensure your assessments and repairs are carried out safely and in line with the universal COVID Safe Plan, including: –
All representatives of AJ Grant : –
• will not attend site if they are displaying any flu type symptoms, have a fever, or a core temperature of greater than 37.3O
• will wear the appropriate PPE whilst on site (masks and gloves)
• will follow good hygiene practices such as regular handwashing and hand sanitising
• will practice physical distancing and will follow the ‘making space on site’ guidelines issued by the Housing Industry Association. For example, carry out the appropriate site inductions, no more than 5 people on site, separate building work from non-building work and so on.
As the situation can change daily, AJ Grant will contact you the day prior to your repairs commencing to ensure everyone is well and not displaying any flu type symptoms and we will continue to communicate with you throughout the repairs to your property.
We are all in this together and with your support we will continue to deliver these essential services in a safe and timely manner. We trust these measures provide assurance has to how serious AJ Grant Group are treating this situation and committed to maintaining the safety of our customers, clients, trades and staff. Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact our friendly customer service team on 1300 254 726.
16/07/2020 Contractor Update
Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreaks in Victoria and New South Wales it is extremely important that you and your workers remain vigilant and follow local State and Territory guidelines to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and to ensure we are doing all we can to keep our community safe and well.
AJ Grant will also continue to share industry and Government updates and announcements with our contractors.
If you are a contractor in Victoria and/or New South Wales, updates are provided daily on –
• Crossroads Hotel, Casula (between 3 to 10 July)
• Picton Hotel (on 4, 5, 9 and 10 July)
• Planet Fitness, Casula (between 6 to 10 July)
• Star City Casino (on 4 July between 8.00PM to 10.30PM)
• Canterbury Leagues Club (on 4 July between 11:00pm to 1:00am)
• Narellan Town Centre Shopping Town, specifically Kmart, Target, Best & Less, H&M and food court (on 6 July)
• Zone Bowling, Villawood (on 27 June between 11:00am to 3:00pm)
• Cook, Kurnell (on 5 July between 11:30am to 12:30 pm)
• Highfield, Caringbah (on 5 July between 6:00pm to 9:00pm)
• Merimbula RSL (on 6 July 6:00pm – 9:00pm)
• Waterfront Café, Merimbula (on 7 July between 8:30am – 9:30am)
• Murray Downs Golf Club (between 4 to 5 July)
We can’t stress enough how important it is that we all follow the guidelines in place, not only to protect our community but also our industry. We want to ensure we can support and keep work flowing through to you our contractors, as much as possible. As previously shared following the guidelines released by the HIA for ‘Making Space on Site’ will help to minimise the risk of exposure whilst working on site.
As an organisation and as individuals, we are all committed to positive action during this difficult time and we will continue to send updates as the situation evolves.
AJ Grant appreciates your support during this challenging time and we know that we’re not the only one’s affected by current events and we thank you all for your continued support, not only to AJ Grant but also to our clients and their customers.
Please continue to work safely to ensure everyone on site remains safe and well.
15/06/2020 Customers and Contractors Update
AJ Grant Group (AJG) / HomeCare Repair Australia (HCRA) continue to operate at this time with operational procedures aligned to the latest updates from the government.
As restrictions are lifting in many states, some staff return to the office with the social distancing rules in place.
– All field staff must continue good hand hygiene & social distancing techniques which includes; sanitising of hands, wearing gloves during assessment at client houses & keeping min. 1.5m away from the client at all times.
– AJG & HCRA staff are not to attend client homes or the office if they have any flu-like symptoms and we strongly recommend these staff are tested immediately for our records.
– AJG & HCRA offer Video Assessing if a client wishes to proceed with a contactless setting.
– AJG & HCRA have a thorough checklist that is completed with the client to make sure it is safe for both the client and our staff member to enter your home and complete an assessment
31/03/2020 Customer and Workforce Update
Whilst we all adapt to the challenges of COVID-19, we acknowledge that our customers may have questions or even concerns about their repairs. We want to assure you that AJ Grant continues to stay abreast of the changes implemented by Commonwealth and State/Territory Governments’, as well as any announcements and guidelines released within our industry such as the Insurance Council of Australia and Housing Industry Association. We review these daily and update accordingly to ensure the care and wellbeing of our customers, staff and trades remains the focus of our business.
We are very fortunate that the services we provide to the insurance industry are not listed as a restricted activity or business, meaning that we are continuing to support our clients and ensure their customers’ homes are safe, secure and repaired. Over the last 2 weeks, AJ Grant has safely assessed properties via our video assessing application; we have completed repairs to 550 properties and we are continuing to repair properties every day. We can also advise that we do not have any staff or trades who have tested positive to COVID-19 and we only have 7 trades (out of 2,000) in self-isolation as they have recently returned from an overseas holiday.
As a business we continue to educate our staff and from today all field staff will complete the ‘Infection Control Training – COVID 19’ implemented by the Department of Health and Aspen Medical. Further precautionary measures have been implemented within our business to ensure your repairs are carried out safely, including: –
As a customer of AJ Grant we also ask that you notify us if you or any other household member is displaying any cold or flu like symptoms or in self-isolation ahead of our attendance and we will work with you to reschedule your repairs.
Like all Australian’s we are doing our part to ensure the reduction in ongoing COVID-19 cases. We trust these measures provide assurance as to how seriously the AJ Grant Group are treating this situation and committed to maintaining the safety of our customers, clients, contractors, and staff. Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact our friendly customer service team on 1300 254 726
18/03/2020 Customer and Workforce update
At the AJ Grant Group the safety of our Clients, Customers and Workforce is always front of mind.
In response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) we have implemented the following precautionary measures:
- Mandatory self-isolation for anyone in our workforce who is feeling unwell, has travelled overseas in the last 14 days and/or has been in contact with anyone who is or may be infected with Coronavirus
- Our onsite workforce has been asked to avoid handshaking, maintain 1.5m distance, hand wash/sanitise and complete any admin work from home rather than the office
- Our office workforce will work from home and/or in small, rostered office shifts
We ask all Clients and Customers to notify us before any of our representatives attend site:
- Is feeling unwell.
- Has travelled overseas in the last 14 days.
- Has been in contact with anyone who is or may be infected with Coronavirus.
In the event of any of the above, we will reschedule the site visit or construction works for a later date or complete virtual assessments where possible.
If you are interested in exploring this option please contact us
18/03/2020 Contractor Update
The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic.
Below is an updated process AJ Grant would like ALL Contractors to follow.
AJ Grant Directive to Contractors
All employers and workers must act now to manage the spread of this illness amongst workers and others within your work environment.
AJ Grant sent Update 1 last week explaining the precautions currently in place to reduce exposure of COVID-19 to our contractors and customers; please read Update 1 to familiarise yourself with what is currently in place.
Further to Update 1; AJ Grant Directive is as follows:
If any of your workers have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case, has returned from overseas and/or have the following symptoms:

Click this link & complete the form immediately This information will be sent to the WHS department and recorded on our database so we can effectively manage & reduce exposure within our communities.
You are NOT to work on any AJ Grant worksite for minimum 14 days and/or until medically cleared. It is mandated by the Australian Health Authority that you self-isolate for 14 days.
• Continue to keep yourself apart from other people as much as possible (e.g. in a different room at home).
• Wear a surgical mask if you have one.
• Call Healthdirect 1800 022 222 anytime (24 hours 7 days a week), they will assess you and advise on what to do next.
• Phone the hospital emergency department before attending so they can plan for when you arrive to prevent spread of infection to others.
• Do not travel on public transport, use taxis or ride-shares and do not attend any public places.
Information Support
AJ Grant have setup an email address contractor@ajgrantgroup.com.au where you will receive all Coronavirus alerts and updates.
If you have any queries or concerns, please send an email to this email address and your questions will be answered.
Media Updates
To stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 news; please visit