Attention AJ Grant Customers
On Monday 29th March 2021 the premier of QLD, Annastacia Palaszczuk, announced that Greater Brisbane will go into a 3 day lockdown from 5pm AEST Monday 29 March to 5pm AEST Thursday 1 April 2021.
AJ Grant Group is well versed in what this means to ensure the care and wellbeing of our customers, contractors and staff.
The services we provide to the insurance industry fall under the contractor sector for ‘critical repairs to residential premises required for emergency and safety’, meaning that under the current lockdown restrictions we are continuing to support our clients and ensure their customers’ homes are safe and secure by providing 24 hour emergency response assistance only over the course of this snap lockdown. However, all non-essential work will be postponed until after an announcement has been made regarding the restrictions.
We would like to acknowledge our Greater Brisbane customers that this is no doubt difficult news to hear and digest on a Monday morning leading into Easter, please be kind and take care of everyone around you.
Attention AJ Grant Contractors
On Monday 29th March 2021 the premier of QLD, Annastacia Palaszczuk, announced that Greater Brisbane will go into a 3 day lockdown from 5pm AEST Monday 29 March to 5pm AEST Thursday 1 April 2021.
AJ Grant Group is well versed in what this means to ensure the care and wellbeing of our customers, contractors and staff.
The services we provide to the insurance industry fall under the constructer sector for ‘critical repairs to residential premises required for emergency and safety’, meaning that under the current lockdown restrictions we are continuing to support our clients and ensure their customers’ homes are safe and secure by providing 24 hour emergency response assistance only over the course of this snap lockdown. However, all non-essential work will be postponed until after an announcement has been made regarding the restrictions.
At this stage the ‘Permitted Worker Permits’ are NOT required, however, if this changes we will ensure all our contractors are provided with the appropriate documentation.
Please ensure you have a COVID Safety Plan / Checklist on-site and are wearing a mandatory mask.
A representative from AJ Grant Brisbane will be in contact with you over the next 24-hours to discuss the next steps and we will continue to stay abreast of the current situation and update the Tools Down page.
We would like to acknowledge our Brisbane Contractors that this is no doubt difficult news to hear and digest on a Monday morning leading into Easter, please be kind and take care of everyone around you.
Please also note – if you or any of your workers are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or been in contact with anyone who has or is displaying symptoms, you must let us know by selecting this link and completing the form. This information will be sent to our WHS department and recorded on the database so we can effectively manage and reduce exposure within the community. You will not be permitted to work on any AJ Grant work site for a minimum of 14 days and/or until medically cleared.
For further information regarding this COVID-19 update, please visit, Tools Down page.
Important Links for most up to date information
QLD Govt:
Department of Health updates: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
SafeWork updates: https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/hazards-a-z/diseases/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-and-guidance-for-nsw-workplaces
NSW Health Updates: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/
Australian Government Health Alert: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert